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Tuesday, 09 Jun 2015

Tango Basics

Jun 09, 2015

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Room 3512 at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU: 5 punches for $35, Public: 5 punches for $45

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

Tango is a rich and complex improvisational dance, considered to be the most challenging yet most fulfilling of all the partnered dances. Starting with a salida, learn to link basic movement patterns so you can have a dancing "conversation" with your partner. Learn the language of Tango and "speak" it with the music. Tango can improve your balance, focus, sensitivity and your ability to work with and respond to a partner. Plus, it's loads of fun!

Wednesday, 10 Jun 2015

Belly Dance

Jun 10, 2015

7:00 PM - 8:10 PM

The Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU Five punches for $35, Public Five Punches for $45

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

A Three Pillars Delsarte based approach to Middle Eastern Belly Dance in the style of award winning performer Shiara. These classes teach the basic movements of belly dance with a specific focus and detailed exploration each week. There are two beginning classes per evening on Wednesdays (7-8:10pm and 8:20-9:30pm). Purchase a dance punch card and attend as often as your schedule allows. Punch cards are good for 1 year from purchase date.

Belly Dance

Jun 10, 2015

8:20 PM - 9:30 PM

The Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU Five punches for $35, Public Five Punches for $45

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

A Three Pillars Delsarte based approach to Middle Eastern Belly Dance in the style of award winning performer Shiara. These classes teach the basic movements of belly dance with a specific focus and detailed exploration each week. There are two beginning classes per evening on Wednesdays (7-8:10pm and 8:20-9:30pm). Purchase a dance punch card and attend as often as your schedule allows. Punch cards are good for 1 year from purchase date.

Sunday, 14 Jun 2015

Zendoodle Workshop

Jun 14, 2015

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $20, Public $30 (Includes Supplies)

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

Do you scribble patterns on notepads or junk mail? Does it relax you to doodle during class or in meetings? If so, you are already on your way to creating artful meditation. Whether you are new to this art form or you've been doing it for years, we will explore a few structured methods so you can begin creating beautiful patterns anytime, anywhere, to achieve relaxation and mindfulness, or as an entry point to a larger work of art.