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Thursday, 26 May 2011

Precious Metal Clay Pendants with Rhonda Scott

May 26, 2011

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU - $46, Public - $56 includes supplies

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Create a pendant out of PMC, which looks and feels like clay, but once fired it is 99.9% pure silver.

Conserving a Legacy

May 26, 2011

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Christian Petersen Art Museum, 1017 Morrill Hall


University Museums Arts, performances Lectures

When one speaks of the legacy of Christian Petersen, usually his public art created for Iowa State is first to come to mind. During his tenure, Petersen completed 12 major public works of art changing the way Iowa State would look forever. Conservator Francis Miller will share his personal experience with conserving Petersen's sculptures and discuss some of the unusual techniques he uses to ensure that Petersen's legacy will endure.

Woodshop Orientation with Dan Neubauer

May 26, 2011

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU - $10, Public - $20

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

For the beginner who wants to learn the fundamentals of woodworking equipment.

Screenprinting with Dara Poorman

May 26, 2011

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU - $50, Public - $60 includes supplies

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Learn an inexpensive way to create custom t-shirts.