At the Corner of Hip Hop and Feminism - Joan Morgan

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Date/Time:Thursday, 23 Feb 2006 at 7:30 pm
Location:Benton Auditorium, Scheman Building, ISU Center
Channel:Lecture Series
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Joan Morgan has written extensively about music and gender issues for Madison, Interview, MS, More, and Spin magazine, where she was contributing editor and columnist. Formerly the Executive Editor of Essence, she is the author of When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost. She was a staff writer at Vibe magazine for three years, and her work appears in numerous college texts, as well as books on feminism, music and African-American culture....

Joan Morgan began her professional writing career freelancing for The Village Voice. Her first article, "The Pro-Rape Culture," explored the issues of race and gender in the case of the Central Park jogger, and won an award from the New York Association of Black Journalists. Her The Village Voice coverage of the rape trial of Mike Tyson earned her an EMMA (Excellence Merit Media Award) from the National Woman's Political Caucus.