Iowa Water Conference

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Date/Time:Monday, 08 Mar 2010 from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Location:Scheman Building, Iowa State Center
Cost:$130 Early Registration, $150 after February 22, Student Discount Available
Contact:Agribusiness Education Program
Channel:Live Green
Categories:Conferences Lectures Live Green Special events Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"Pulling It All Together: Policy, Programs and Practices" is the theme for the 2010 Iowa Water Conference. The goal is to offer a conference that provides networking and collaboration opportunities for major water initiatives in Iowa and to provide an opportunity for water professionals and the public to communicate.

The conference will feature the Iowa Stormwater Conference and the Iowa Agriculture and Environment Conference. This year the Iowa DNR Sourcewater Protection Program will also be leading several sessions.