A Town Hall Meeting with Newt Gingrich

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Date/Time:Friday, 30 Sep 2011 at 11:00 am
Location:Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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"Science, Technology and Jobs." Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich was elected to Congress in 1978 and served the Sixth District of Georgia for 20 years. He was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1995 and led the first re-elected Republican majority since 1928. Part of the Presidential Caucus Series, providing opportunities to question presidential candidates before the precinct caucuses.

2012 Iowa State University Presidential Caucus Series
Since 1987, the series has provided students, faculty, and community members from around central Iowa with an opportunity to question presidential candidates, or appropriate surrogates, before the precinct caucuses and the November election that follows. The series is sponsored by the University Committee on Lectures, the ISU Democrats, College Republicans, and the Government of the Student Body, and administered by the Lectures Program Office.