Phenomenology of heavy fermion and vector resonances in composite Higgs models

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 19 Oct 2011 from 4:10 pm to 5:10 pm
Location:A401, Zaffarano Hall
Contact:Chunhui Chen
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Dr. Natascia Vignaroli, Iowa State University

we study the phenomenology of models where the Higgs is a bound state of a strongly interacting dynamics at the TeV scale and we assess the LHC potential to discover new heavy colored states. In the first part, we analyze the bounds on the spectrum of Composite Higgs Models (CHM) that come from flavor observables. In the second part, we propose a novel strategy to discover a heavy gluon($G^*$) and heavy fermions at the LHC. From the analysis of the bounds on the CHM spectrum, we derive an important constraint on the masses of the heavy fermions which does not depend on the flavor structure of the sector beyond the SM. This bound is obtained from the infrared contribution to $b to sgamma$ induced by the flavor-conserving effective vertex $Wt_Rb_R$. We find that the presence of a custodial symmetry can play a role in protecting this effective coupling. Studying the heavy colored vectors phenomenology, we find that heavy composite fermions have a great impact on the phenomenology of heavy composite gluon at the LHC. If the composite gluon is heavier than the composite fermions, as flavor observables seem to suggest, the search in the channels where $G^*$ decays into one heavy fermion plus its Standard Model partner is very promising, with the possibility for both the $G^*$ and heavy fermions to be discovered at the early stage of the LHC.