Panel: Farm to Fork

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 08 Nov 2011 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location:Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Channel:ISU Surplus
Categories:Lectures Live Green
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The Farm to Fork discussion will have panelists from around the local food system; ranging from producers, purchasers, retail, ISU Dining and consumers, as well as researchers and extension staff who help bridge the gap. The discussion will reveal different aspects of the food system and what goes into decision-making and 'behind-the-scenes' activities for those involved in food systems.

Farm to ISU personnel will present each panelist, and direct questions to individuals through the first portion of the discussion. The questions will be formatted to bring to light the difficulties and opportunities associated with local food and the local food movement. Once questions and discussions have commenced between panelists, individuals in the audience will have a chance to also ask any questions that they have.

At the conclusion of the panel discussion, everyone is welcome to mingle and discuss various ideas and additional questions they may have between peers, panelists and farm to ISU employees.