DUI: A Powerful Lesson

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Date/Time:Monday, 08 Apr 2013 at 8:00 pm
Location:Great Hall, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Student activities
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Mark Sterner helps students realize the choice they make to drink and drive can have a lasting impact on their friends, families and themselves. After a night of partying during spring break, he and his four best friends decided the least drunk would drive home. The next morning, three of the men were dead, and Mark lay in the hospital critically injured and facing three felony counts of DUI manslaughter.

Iowa State personnel will be available to offer risk-management resources and services specific to this campus.

Mark Sterner has been a keynote presenter for the Northeastern Greek Leadership Association, Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values-Central, Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values-West, CHAMPS Life Skills, the BACCHUS and GAMMA Peer Education Network's General Assembly and the Mid-American Collegiate Health Association's conference. He received the Tau Kappa Epsilon Excellence in Education Alumni Award at the 2011 Conclave.