2014 Student Success Summit

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Date/Time:Thursday, 03 Apr 2014 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location:Memorial Union
Contact:Debra Sanborn
Channel:Academic Affairs
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This is a university-wide event sponsored by the Provost Office and Division of Student Affairs to focus on retention issues, the academic success of our students and student learning outcomes related to instruction.

Ann Gansemer-Topf, assistant professor, School of Education, will give the morning address (8:45 a.m., MU Sun Room). The luncheon speaker will be Terrell Strayhorn, The Ohio State University.

Participants of the Student Success Summit will leave with:
-- An increased awareness, understanding, and engagement in critical dimensions of student success including student learning, retention and graduation, and the co-educational environment at Iowa State.
-- The tools to create new partnerships and support existing relationships between academic affairs (particularly faculty and their role in student learning) and student affairs which will maximize the collaborative effect of shared programming in student success.
-- A mutual understanding of the unique roles, goals, and purposes that academic affairs and student affairs provides to faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students in encouraging student success.
-- Strategies to establish sustainable partnerships which insure that a campus wide summit on student success occurs regularly.

Additional information is available online at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/registr...index.html.