Astronomy Seminar

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Date/Time:Friday, 14 Nov 2014 at 4:10 pm
Location:3 Physics
Contact:Steve Kawaler, Physics and Astronomy
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
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Stellar and Ionized Gas Kinematics in Seyfert Galaxies and Low Redshift Quasars (Dr. Charles Nelson, Drake University)

Recent investigations of AGN feedback, in which the active nucleus
interacts with the surrounding galaxy, have indicated that feedback
is significant only in high luminosity AGN (Kormendy & Ho
2013). The upshot for Seyferts and other low luminosity AGN is that
the NLR must reach a state near pressure equilibrium with the host
galaxy ISM. Ionized gas outflows driven by AGN winds or jets
are common in these objects. Thus the NLR emerges into, and
is constrained by the bulge properties. Kormendy & Kennicutt (2004)
conclude that many bulges are not mini-ellipticals but are constructs
of secular evolution in disks. Canonically, Seyferts are found in early
type spirals but many of them are pseudo-bulges. I will present
preliminary results for three projects: our emission line profile
study of low redshift quasars, our analysis of Seyfert bulge morphology
and a comparison of the NLRs of NGC 1068 (pseudo-bulge) and NGC 4151
(classical bulge) in the context of the nature of the host galaxy.