High School Shootings, Bored Teens and Appropriated Space: What's a Landscape Architect to Do?

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Date/Time:Friday, 19 Sep 2014 from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:Room 130 Design
Contact:Ben Shirtcliff
Channel:College of Design
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Ben Shirtcliff, assistant professor of landscape architecture, will present his research to date on human behavior and the built environment, focusing on the positive gains vulnerable populations achieve when they claim underutilized space for desired activities.

Shirtcliff also will discuss works-in-progress on YouTube and appropriation as innovative research tools and strategies, as well as future directions in advancing our understanding of equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens for sustainable cities.

The Institute for Design Research and Outreach (IDRO) will host a series of brown-bag lunch "Friday Talks" this semester to showcase new faculty in the College of Design and allow them time to present and discuss their recent and current research. Each 30- to 40-minute faculty presentation will be following by a question-and-answer session. Bring your lunch if you wish.