Scaling Laws in High Energy Scattering

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Date/Time:Monday, 13 Apr 2015 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:Physics 0003
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
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Michal Praszalowicz Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

ABSTRACT: By scaling we understand a property of certain physical observables that in principle should depend on two kinematical variables but in reality depend only on a particular combination of them. A prominent example is so called Bjorken scaling that paved the road to the present understanding of the proton structure. After a historical introduction we shall discuss Bjorken scaling and show that it is a consequence of the fact that proton constituents can be treated as noninteracting. Next, we shall introduce another form of scaling, so called geometrical scaling (GS). GS follows from the fact that there exists an intermediate momentum scale, above which the interaction of the proton constituents becomes important. We shall give physical interpretation of GS in terms of so called gluon saturation. By inspecting different pieces of data we shall demonstrate the existence of GS in various high energy reactions.


1982 Ph.D. from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
1985 - one year fellowship at CERN Theory Dept.
1988/89 one year Kosciuszko Fellowship at BNL
1991/93 A. von Humboldt Fellowship at Ruhr Univ. in Bochum, Germany
1997/98 research collaborator at Ruhr Univ. in Bochum, Germany
2003/04 one year Fulbright Fellow at BNL

Main scientific interests and achievements: High energy QCD, formulation of the odderon equation in QCD (with Bartels and Kwiecinski) Skyrme model of baryons, SU(3) quantization (with Mazur and Nowak) properties of exotic states like pentaquarks LHC phenomenology, observation of geometrical scaling in hadronic reactions (with L. McLerran).

Chairman of the Org. Committee of the Cracow School of Theoretical Physics (the School is organized yearly since 1961) Chief Editor of Acta Physica Polonica B.