Seminar: Fast Formative Feedback Using ThinkSpace

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 03 Nov 2015 from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:192 Seminar Room, Parks Library
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
ThinkSpace can be a game-changer for providing fast, in-depth, and useful feedback as students develop projects and papers. In this session we'll see how ThinkSpace's commenting tool can enhance student performance while saving time for instructors. Presenter: Jay Newell, PhD Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. Registration not required.

About the Presenter: Jay Newell, PhD, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication

Blended Learning Faculty/Staff Learning Community
The Blended Learning Brown-bag Roundtable is a monthly directed discussion and open-forum focused on blended learning practices and opportunities at Iowa State. Each forum will begin with a short presentation (15 min) followed by an open discussion. All are welcome and invited to bring a lunch. Coordinated by Allan Schmidt, Assistant Director, CELT
Meets on the following Tuesdays:
Sept. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 3, 2015
Feb. 2, Mar. 1, Apr. 5, 2016
*An additional hour for hands-on application and additional pedagogical discussion

About Faculty/Staff Learning Communities
Members of Faculty and Staff Teaching and Learning Communities are multidisciplinary faculty and professionals who attend monthly or bi-weekly meetings to engage in a topic related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Unless noted - registration is not required for these meetings.

Coordinated by Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)and CELT's Online Learning Innovation Hub