Materials on the Edge of Stability: Discussion on the EdgeS initiative

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Date/Time:Thursday, 25 Feb 2016 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:Physics Hall 003
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Matt Kramer, Ames Lab

Each year, Ames Laboratory submits an annual lab plan to DOE. One part of that plan describes our scientific initiatives, which inform DOE about future scientific directions at the laboratory. Last year,2015, the Laboratory put forth two ongoing initiatives - Greener Advances for Catalysis and Energy (GrACE) and Primary Research Into Magnetic Resonance of the Solid-State for Energy (PRIMROSE) - and one new initiative - Materials on the Edge of Stability - Manipulating Phase Transformation Functionality (EdgeS). The purpose of this discussion is to revise and refine the direction and details of the EdgeS initiative with the goal of providing a compelling scientific theme that could result in a new Field Work Proposal. The presentation will be brief description of last year's written EdgeS initiative and general purpose of the initiatives. The reminder of the time will be an open discussion on research topics, capabilities, and strategies that could be incorporated into this year's revised initiative. This discussion is an opportunity for research groups to strongly influence the direction of the initiative.