Growing with Grown-Ups: Plant Heroes!

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Date/Time:Thursday, 16 Jun 2016 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Kids, bring an adult with you to Reiman Gardens each month and learn a wide variety of gardening and growing techniques from Horticulturist Jessie Liebenguth.

From floral arranging and cooking with herbs, to worm composting and more, you'll have fun and learn a ton!

Topic: Plant Heroes! -- Become a hero in the fight against the bad guys that threaten plants! Learn to identify common plant problems while you practice scouting and identifying "good" and "bad" insects. Join Horticulturist Jessie Liebenguth for hands-on STEAM activities and a starter kit to get you on your way to becoming a plant hero!

Sign up for individual classes, or register for the series to receive a discount, a set of youth gardening supplies, and a certificate from Reiman Gardens. Preregistration with prepayment is required one week prior to class. Appropriate for youth ages 8+ with accompanying adult.

Price for the series is as follows.
$60 for a member adult and youth pair and $4 for each additional youth.
$75 for a general public adult and youth pair and $5 for each additional youth.

Price for each class is as follows.
$12 for a member adult and youth pair and $4 for each additional youth.
$15 for a general public adult and youth pair and $5 for each additional youth.

Iowa State University students pay 15% off the member rate.