Backyard Gourmet

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Date/Time:Monday, 13 Jun 2016 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Join herbalist Lynn Parkey for a hands-on class exploring the pestilent plants that many of us disregard, like stinging nettles, cleavers, dandelions, and chickweed.

Would you be prepared to make a meal from the weeds in your own backyard? This class will include a visit to Joey and Jesse's Herb Garden for fresh picks, as well as a demonstration and tasting. Turn those garden-variety weeds into edible, delicious and nutritious additions to your summer diet!

Cost is $12 for members and $15 for the general public. Iowa State University students get 15% off the member rate.