Memorial Day ceremony

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Date/Time:Monday, 30 May 2016 at 9:00 am
Location:Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Ave.
Contact:Jerilyn Logue
Categories:Meetings, receptions Special events
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Iowa State employees, retirees, spouses, alumni and friends who died during the past year will be remembered at the university's annual Memorial Day ceremony.

The ceremony will include:
-- An invocation by Matthew Martens, pastor at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Ames
-- Prelude by Collegiate Brass of Collegiate United Methodist Church, Ames
-- A reading of the names
-- A time for family, friends and colleagues to share memories of loved ones

Individuals who aren't available to speak can share comments about loved ones through an online form. The comments will be printed and displayed the day of the event and included the following week with all obituaries on the ISU Retirees website.

In addition to ISU employees, retirees and spouses, the ceremony will recognize individuals who have passed away in the past two years and whose names appear on the Wall of Alumni and Friends at the ISU Alumni Center.