Astronomy Seminar

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Date/Time:Friday, 09 Sep 2016 from 4:10 pm to 5:10 pm
Location:Rm. 38 Physics Bldg.
Contact:Curt Struck
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
High Resolution Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Imaging or: How I Learned to Stop Working and Love the Sun (Mr. Robert Antol, Stargate 4173 at Grimaldi Tower Observatory)

This discussion will cover two primary topics: (1) The design, construction and use of the private observatory known as 'Stargate 4173 at Grimaldi Tower'; and (2) observing and imaging the Sun at the Hydrogen-alpha frequency.

The first part of the seminar will show what was done to incorporate a 16-foot Ash-dome onto an octagonal tower attached to the house. You will see how a hobby has become an integral part of the home.

The second part of the seminar will concentrate on high resolution hydrogen-alpha solar imaging and observing. Topics will include pre-imaging, image capture (including focusing and etalon tuning), processing techniques used to generate high resolution h-alpha solar images (including information on stacking, wavelet processing, image contrast, limb enhancement and colorization), along with some post-imaging thoughts.

Upon conclusion, you will want to begin viewing and/or imaging the Sun in the Hydrogen-alpha frequency.