A well-spring for spin liquids on kagome and hyper-kagome lattices

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Date/Time:Thursday, 01 Dec 2016 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:Physics 18/19
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
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Bryan Clark, UIUC

Theoretically and experimentally, the kagome and hyperkagome lattices have
been fruitful sources of spin-liquid candidates. Experimental examples
include the kagome material, Herbertsmithite and the hyperkagome iridate
Na4Ir3O8. Theoretical evidence for spin-liquids exists in various
models, most notably the nearest-neighbor kagome Heisenberg model.

This plentitude of spin liquids is usually attributed to the existence
of frustration. In this talk, we show that this frustration induces a
previously unknown macroscopically degenerate point in the phase
diagram of a simple spin model on the kagome and
hyperkagome lattices. Perturbations around this degenerate point are a promising place to look
for a myriad of phases. We give evidence that many of the known
spin-liquids are adiabatically connected to this point. In addition, we report
the theoretical discovery of a time-reversal symmetry breaking chiral-spin liquid at the 2/3 magneticplateau in the kagome lattice.