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What is featured?

Monday, 25 Sep 2017

Lecture: Is There Evidence of God from Contemporary Science?

Sep 25, 2017

7:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Student activities

Msgr. James A. Supple Lecture Series: Fr. Robert Spitzer served as president of Gonzaga University from 1998 to 2009. A Catholic priest and Jesuit, he is the author of eight books, including New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy, and appears weekly on EWTN in "Father Spitzer's Universe."

Tuesday, 26 Sep 2017

Seminar: Geological & Atmospheric Sciences

Sep 26, 2017

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

2050 Agronomy


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

"The Interface of Deep Learning and Spatio-Temporal Statistics in the Geosciences" by Dr. Christopher Wikle, Univ of Missouri, Columbia, MO

Lecture: Why Intelligent Design is NOT Science

Sep 26, 2017

6:30 PM

Campanile Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Student activities

The Atheist and Agnostic Society Fall Lecture. Hector Avalos is a professor of religious studies at Iowa State.

Branding: Who Are You?

Sep 26, 2017

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

362 College of Design


College of Design Lectures

ISU integrated studio arts alumnus Jonathan Castro is a ceramic designer who lives and works in New York City. He attributes many opportunities and successes to the skills and business acumen he developed at Iowa State. He'll talk about the importance and process of branding oneself in the marketplace. Castro is an artist-in-residence Sept. 25-29 in the College of Design.

Thursday, 28 Sep 2017

Paul L. Errington Memorial Lecture: Vanishing Vaquitas

Sep 28, 2017

7:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Live Green Student activities

"Vanishing Vaquitas: Lessons from a Humble Porpoise" - Barbara Taylor is a conservation biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationââ'¬â"¢s Southwest Fisheries Science Center and involved with recent efforts to protect the critically endangered vaquita porpoises.