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What is featured?

Wednesday, 01 Sep 2021

Webinar, Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure (Course Management/Office Hours)

Sep 01, 2021

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via WebEx (use link below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. This session will have a course management/student (office) hours focus and include strategies incorporating Canvas Calendar (Scheduler), Webex, and Teams.

Webinar, Mindfully Resolving Cross-Cultural Conflicts in the Classroom (National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, NCORE)

Sep 01, 2021

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Registration Full - On Demand viewing post-session


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

So often, our educators, counselors, and administrators want to learn how to mindfully resolve cross-cultural conflicts, but are stuck in trying to answer some very familiar questions, "How do we create an atmosphere where every member is seen and valued? What if a cross-cultural conflict escalates and polarizes everyone in the room? What if I'm part of the problem?

Tuesday, 07 Sep 2021

Discuss Published Education Research in Your Discipline (DBER Journal Club) Sept

Sep 07, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via WebEx meetings


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

How do students learn best in your discipline? Where can you publish the way you solved instructional problems? You are invited to share and discuss DBER journal articles, seek feedback as you begin designing your own educational research projects, and form collaborations with participants from other disciplines.

Wednesday, 08 Sep 2021

Award-Winning Seminar Series: Large Lecture: Reaching 'unmotivated' students (Lee Burras)

Sep 08, 2021

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

View on your own via zoom


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

"One sentence can result in an epiphany for someone." Morrill Professor Lee Burras, Agronomy, has many years of experience teaching high enrollment classes in big auditoriums. How can we facilitate engagement and ensure the learning environment is meaningful, welcoming and enjoyable?

Webinar, Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure (Assignments and Reading Activities)

Sep 08, 2021

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via WebEx (use link below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. This session will have a focus on assignments and reading activities and include strategies incorporating Canvas assignments types, Perusall, and Top Hat.

Thursday, 09 Sep 2021

Webinar: Don't Set Yourself on Fire to Keep Others Warm

Sep 09, 2021

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

View on your own via zoom


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Self-compassion and mindfulness are important resources for everyone as we transition to a new normal on campus. In this webinar facilitated by a staff member from Student Counseling Services we will understand the impact of burnout and learn coping strategies for creating a culture of wellness and self-care in your own life and learning environment.

Friday, 10 Sep 2021

ISU Online Learning Community (ISU-OLC) - September

Sep 10, 2021

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

WebEx only


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

The purpose of the ISU-OLC is to share campus best practices to improve online teaching and learning and connect with others across campus.

Tuesday, 14 Sep 2021

Virtual workshop: Create More Engaging PowerPoints

Sep 14, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



ISU Surplus Training, development

"Doing the Electric Slide(ware): Creating More Engaging PowerPoints for your Audience and Purpose." Decide what type of slideware might work effectively for your purpose; design slideware to engage your audience more fully; enable partners to take meaning from slides after your presentation. Part of the faculty and staff workshop series offered by the Writing and Media Center. Registration required.

Canvas Peer-to-Peer User Groups (September)

Sep 14, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Hybrid: Morrill 2030 or via WebEx


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

If you are interested in joining the Canvas Peer-to-Peer (P2P) User Groups, please email before this session. The P2P group consists of advanced Canvas users who support multiple faculty and courses, including instructional designers and course coordinators.

Introduction to Data Management Plans

Sep 14, 2021

2:10 PM - 3:30 PM

Parks Library


University Library Training, development

Basic concepts and tools for better data management for the research planning process. This is a beginner level workshop; no prior experience is needed. Registration required.

Webinar, Explore the Benefits of Mindfulness in your Classroom

Sep 14, 2021

2:10 PM - 3:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via zoom


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Returning to a new normal in our learning spaces can offer different challenges and especially so following a global pandemic. Using mindfulness practices can mitigate anxiety and stress in your learning environment while enhancing community and connection. Join Karen Couves (CELT) and Carrie Giese (BDSGP) as they explore the student perspective of mindfulness in the classroom.

Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics Fall 2021 Technology Validation Funding Opportunity

Sep 14, 2021

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Zoom Meeting


Research Training, development

Join us for this informational session on the Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics Seed Grant opportunity session.

Wednesday, 15 Sep 2021

Campus fire safety event

Sep 15, 2021

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

South of Parks Library


Environmental Health & Safety Special events Training, development

Environmental Health and Safety staff are hosting this event as part of Campus Fire Safety Month. Put out a simulated fire, learn fire safety tips and receive a free T-shirt (while supplies last).

Virtual Forum: Open Scholar Cafe

Sep 15, 2021

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM



University Library Training, development

"Reimagining Research Assessment," Anna Hatch, program director for the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). The DORA team works with institutions to improve policy and practice by documenting case studies, curating resources, and developing tools to reimagine research assessment. Anna will address DORA's work to move research and faculty assessment away from journal-based metrics in hiring, promotion, and funding decisions.

CELT Teaching Talks: Strategies for Fostering Community and Care in the Classroom (TJ Stewart)

Sep 15, 2021

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

2030 Morrill


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Come and engage in a conversation about challenges, opportunities, and strategic imperatives for cultivating a spirit of community and care within classroom. TJ Stewart (Assistant Professor, School of Education) will share philosophies and strategies for creating classroom environments where students feel engaged, cared for, and part of community.

Webinar, Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure (Feedback and Grading)

Sep 15, 2021

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via WebEx (use link below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. This session will have a focus on feedback and grading and include strategies incorporating speedgrader audio and rubrics.

Thursday, 16 Sep 2021

Cancelled: Online Workshop Series: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)

Sep 16, 2021

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via Zoom (registration information below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

APPQMR (Applying the Quality Matters Rubric) is a virtual offering of the Quality Matters flagship workshop on the underlying principles of the Quality Matters rubric, an instrument for assessing the quality of online courses. Learn how to use the QM rubric as you apply it to a demo online course and recommend practical course improvements.

IRB 101: Navigating the IRB Submission Process

Sep 16, 2021

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Room 3505, Memorial Union and Virtually


Research Training, development

In this session you will learn tips on developing and submitting protocols to the IRB. A member of IRB staff will walk through key sections of the IRB application and explain what the IRB looks for during the review process.

10 Tips to Create an Accessible Canvas Course (UDL)

Sep 16, 2021

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

Webinar - WebEx viewing


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

CELT's 10 tips to Improve Accessibility in your Canvas Course will identify tools and strategies to create an inclusive Canvas learning environment for all students. Learn to proactively develop course content that is accessible for students with disabilities, assistive technology-friendly, and easily navigated by all learners.

Webinar, Turnitin Originality Training Session

Sep 16, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Zoom Webinar

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

You are invited to a Turnitin Originality training session. TurnItIn Originality is the upgraded version of the TurnItIn tool you are accustomed to using in Canvas for helping students practice academic integrity in writing.

Friday, 17 Sep 2021

Online Workshop Series: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)

Sep 17, 2021

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via Zoom (registration information below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

APPQMR (Applying the Quality Matters Rubric) is a virtual offering of the Quality Matters flagship workshop on the underlying principles of the Quality Matters rubric, an instrument for assessing the quality of online courses. Learn how to use the QM rubric as you apply it to a demo online course and recommend practical course improvements.

Monday, 20 Sep 2021

Virtual workshop: Packing a Punch with Punctuation

Sep 20, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



ISU Surplus Training, development

"Packing a Punch with Punctuation: When Well-placed Commas Matter." Identify when it is appropriate and powerful to use commas; experiment with comma usage to create a more meaningful reading experience for your audience. Registration required. Part of the faculty and staff workshop series offered by the Writing and Media Center.

Tuesday, 21 Sep 2021

Internal Funding PIRI, PIRS, CoSPRT and Bridging the Divide Brown-bag Lunch Information Session

Sep 21, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Zoom - Possible in-person location


Research Training, development

Researchers considering submitting proposals to the Presidential Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (PIRI), the Presidential Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant Program (PIRS), the Presidential Cost-Sharing Program for Research Tools (CoSPRT), or the Bridging the Divide seed grant are encouraged to attend this brown-bag session.

Thursday, 23 Sep 2021

Webinar, Troubling the Waters: Alternative College Student Development Frameworks for Diverse Student Populations

Sep 23, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

View on your own via Stylus Publishing


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

As institutions of higher education across the country grapple with how to best meet the needs of their primary consumers, college students, it becomes increasingly important to have at their disposal an array of frameworks that provide them with conceptual and theoretical models that not only assist them with understanding where they are, but also who they are along their respective learning, growth, and development trajectories.

Monday, 27 Sep 2021

Faculty development workshop: The Public Classroom

Sep 27, 2021

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Cardinal Room, Memorial Union


Academic Affairs Meetings, receptions Training, development

Join university counsel Michael Norton for a review of the current environment and its implications for freedom of speech and academic freedom.

Wednesday, 29 Sep 2021

An Introduction to the Study Cycle - Help your learners study smarter!

Sep 29, 2021

9:30 AM - 10:50 AM

2030 Morrill


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Do your learners wait until the last minute to study for exams? Do they spend lots of time studying, but end up with less than promising results?

Webinar, Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure (Course Materials)

Sep 29, 2021

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Online only - view on your own via WebEx (use link below)


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. This session will have a focus on course materials and include strategies incorporating course reserves and LinkedIn Learning.

Thursday, 30 Sep 2021

Webinar, College Student Development Theory: Transgressive Frameworks and Models for Diverse Populations

Sep 30, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

View on your own via Stylus Publishing


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

According to Perez-Izaguirre (2019), "Acts of transgression are located at the border of a norm bounded by limits, marked by what is appropriate". College student development theory has evolved over time to include essential contributions from intellectuals, scholars, and theorists representing myriad disciplines and fields both within and outside of the social sciences.

Meeting, Team-Based Learning (TBL) Teaching and Learning Community

Sep 30, 2021

1:10 PM - 2:30 PM

2030 Morrill Hall or view on your own via zoom


Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

This topic-based teaching and learning community meets throughout the academic year. We work as teams to optimize application exercises, readiness assurance tests, peer evaluation, and other aspects of course design, and also invite speakers to facilitate discussions of TBL theory, research and classroom application.