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What is featured?

Thursday, 23 Apr 2015

Used Magazine Sale

Apr 23, 2015

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Browsing Library, MU

25 cents

Student Engagement Student activities

All magazines are just 25 cents! Stop in to help us reduce, reuse, and recycle during Earth Week.

Film: Farmland

Apr 23, 2015

6:00 PM

Benton Auditorium, Scheman Building, Iowa State Center


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

An intimate look at the lives of farmers and ranchers in their twenties, hosted by the Iowa State University Corn Growers Association. A panel of farmers will join the audience for a discussion immediately following the 77-minute film.

Panel Discussion: Creating Healthy Relationships

Apr 23, 2015

6:30 PM

125 Kildee Auditorium


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

Find out the lessons ten Iowa State students learned as they experienced 30 days in a relationship with a complete stranger.

Panel Discussion: Clean Energy, A New Age of Abundance

Apr 23, 2015

7:00 PM

1414 Molecular Biology


Lecture Series Lectures Live Green Student activities

Speakers include Jim Kennedy, CEO of Th-REE Consulting, and John Kutsch, executive director of the Thorium Energy Alliance.

Lecture: What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Apr 23, 2015

7:00 PM

South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

Timothy Rowe is a paleontologist and a leader in developing digital technologies to analyze and visualize fossil remains. Phi Beta Kappa Lecture

Concert: Esme Patterson

Apr 23, 2015

8:00 PM


$8 Students / $10 Public

Student Union Board Arts, performances Student activities

Hailing from Boulder, Colorado, Esme Patterson is a singer/songwriter. In 2006, she and her sister, along with another pair of siblings, formed a folk group in Denver known as Paper Bird. In 2012, Patterson decided to become a solo artist working on her first album, All Princes, I. After her first album, Patterson worked on and released Woman to Woman in 2013.

Lecture: The Global Fight to Stop Human Trafficking

Apr 23, 2015

8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

Father Shay Cullen is a priest from Ireland who has worked protecting women and children and their human rights in the Philippines since 1969. World Affairs Series