Thursday, 23 Apr 2015
Used Magazine Sale
All magazines are just 25 cents! Stop in to help us reduce, reuse, and recycle during Earth Week.
Film: Farmland
An intimate look at the lives of farmers and ranchers in their twenties, hosted by the Iowa State University Corn Growers Association. A panel of farmers will join the audience for a discussion immediately following the 77-minute film.
Panel Discussion: Creating Healthy Relationships
Find out the lessons ten Iowa State students learned as they experienced 30 days in a relationship with a complete stranger.
Panel Discussion: Clean Energy, A New Age of Abundance
Speakers include Jim Kennedy, CEO of Th-REE Consulting, and John Kutsch, executive director of the Thorium Energy Alliance.
Lecture: What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Timothy Rowe is a paleontologist and a leader in developing digital technologies to analyze and visualize fossil remains. Phi Beta Kappa Lecture
Concert: Esme Patterson
Hailing from Boulder, Colorado, Esme Patterson is a singer/songwriter. In 2006, she and her sister, along with another pair of siblings, formed a folk group in Denver known as Paper Bird. In 2012, Patterson decided to become a solo artist working on her first album, All Princes, I. After her first album, Patterson worked on and released Woman to Woman in 2013.
Lecture: The Global Fight to Stop Human Trafficking
Father Shay Cullen is a priest from Ireland who has worked protecting women and children and their human rights in the Philippines since 1969. World Affairs Series