Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024
Seminar: The neurobiology of sickness
Join this Genetics, Development and Cell Biology seminar to hear Dr. Jessica Osterhout, University of Utah assistant professor of neurobiology, discuss research that developed a new model of how sickness symptoms are generated and how normal homeostatic circuits are altered during a state of acute sickness.
Daymond John's 5 Shark Points: Fundamentals for Success in Business and Life
An entrepreneur in every sense of the word, Daymond John has come a long way from taking out a $100,000 mortgage on his mother’s house and moving his business operation into its basement. John is CEO and Founder of FUBU, a much-celebrated global lifestyle brand, and a pioneer in the fashion industry with over $6 billion in product sales world-wide. Former President Barack Obama appointed Daymond John a Presidential Ambassador for Global...
Thursday, 24 Oct 2024
RESCHEDULED How to Grow (Almost) Anything: The Use and Future of Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology is an emerging field of research where researchers construct new biological systems and redesign existing biological systems. Synthetic biology can change the genetic material in viruses, bacteria, yeasts, plants, or animals to give them useful new characteristics. For example, integrating spider DNA makes a silkworm produce super strong, ultra-lightweight silk (per the Government Accountability Office). The technology...