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What is featured?

Tuesday, 01 Sep 2015

ISU Veterans Compass: Navigating Your Iowa State Adventure

Sep 01, 2015

12:00 PM

Gallery Room, Memorial Union

Academic Affairs Academic calendar

Choose from one of two sessions: Noon-1:30 p.m. or 4:30-6 p.m. RSVP requested.

Craft of the Month: Photo Holders

Sep 01, 2015

2:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union


The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Use paint, decoupage techniques and Washi tape to decorate a wood plaque with a clip for displaying your favorite photo.

Indoor/Outdoor Portrait Photography Class

Sep 01, 2015

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Reiman Gardens

$68 for members. $85 for general public. ISU students get 15% off member rate.

Reiman Gardens

This is a four week course on Tuesdays, September 1, September 8, September 15, and September 22 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Join beloved photo instructor Mark Stoltenberg, for a class exploring the "how-to" of taking great pictures whether indoors or outside.

Walk-In Craft: Fine Silver Pendant

Sep 01, 2015

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union


The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Create a fine silver pendant without traditional metalworking techniques - no jewelry saw, soldering or endless filing! Use metal clay and a mold to make your pendant. We will then use a small torch to fire your work in just a few minutes. When you are done, you'll have a work of art that is 99.9% pure silver.

Love and Information Auditions

Sep 01, 2015

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Music Hall

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student activities

ISU Theatre is seeking an ensemble cast of 14-20+ student actors with the ability to play multiple roles. To audition, please prepare two short, contrasting, contemporary monologues. The entire audition package should not exceed two minutes total. Sign up for an audition slot in Pearson Hall 2130 starting the first week of classes. Auditions are open to all ISU students.

Drawing Class

Sep 01, 2015

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $42, Public $52 (supplies included)

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Take this opportunity to learn and develop drawing skills, whether you are a beginner who likes to doodle or an artist with experience. Students will be guided through a variety of exercises to enhance your drawing techniques including: line, perspective, light/shadow, and composition, while developing hand-eye coordination and confidence.

Open Mic Night

Sep 01, 2015

8:00 PM


Student Engagement Arts, performances Student activities

Open mic night gives students the chance to show off their talents to their fellow students. Many are musicians, comedians, and poets. So come on out and show us what kind of talents you have.

Wednesday, 02 Sep 2015

Ship-naming Ceremony: USS Iowa

Sep 02, 2015

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Campanile Room, Memorial Union


University Special events

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus will announce the name of the U.S. Navy's next Virginia-class submarine during the ceremony. Also speaking are Gov. Terry Branstad and ISU President Steven Leath.

Retirement reception: Nancy Osborn Johnsen

Sep 02, 2015

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Room 302 Catt Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Meetings, receptions

Osborn Johnsen, an administrative academic adviser in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, is retiring. A program will begin at 4 p.m.

Welcome reception: Black Faculty and Staff Association

Sep 02, 2015

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Memorial Union, Multicultural Center


Academic Affairs Meetings, receptions

All are welcome to meet new employees and reconnect with current colleagues. Refreshments will be served.

Reception for Paul Lasley

Sep 02, 2015

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Harl Commons, Curtiss Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Meetings, receptions

Sociology professor Paul Lasley recently stepped down as department chair after serving in that capacity for 13 years. He remains on the sociology faculty. A short program will begin at 5:15 p.m.

Nature Journaling Class

Sep 02, 2015

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Reiman Gardens

$40 for members & $45 for general public. ISU students pay 15% off member price.

Reiman Gardens

A four week course on Wednesdays - September 2, September 9, September 16, and September 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Whether you are a budding naturalist, artist, or writer, Reiman Gardens is the ideal setting to observe and record pollinating insects, tropical butterflies, and native flora and fauna.

Opening reception: "Women for Women: Female Fashion Designers" exhibit

Sep 02, 2015

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill Hall


College of Health and Human Sciences Meetings, receptions

This reception celebrates the Textiles and Clothing Museum's fall exhibit, which brings the names of both recognized and lesser-known female fashion designers to the forefront by presenting examples of their work.

Opening reception: (Re)discovering S(h)elves exhibition

Sep 02, 2015

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Christian Petersen Art Museum, 1017 Morrill Hall


University Museums Meetings, receptions

(Re)discovering S(h)elves reflects a multi-disciplinary curatorial approach to reexamining the University Museums permanent collection in conjunction with its 40th anniversary celebration. Remarks begin at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.

Photography Class: The Art of Seeing

Sep 02, 2015

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Reiman Gardens

$85 for general public (discounts for members and ISU students)

Reiman Gardens

A four week course on Wednesdays, Sept. 2-23. Led by professional photographer Mark Stoltenberg.

Zendoodle Bookbinding Class

Sep 02, 2015

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $38, Public $48 (supplies included)

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Turn your scribbles into a thoughtful collection of reflections in this 2-part class. Start by creating your own small handmade sketchbook using recycled materials and drawing paper, and finish with guided instruction in the process of Zendoodle to begin filling the pages with beautiful designs.

Live Music: Northern Faces w/ Modern Chemistry

Sep 02, 2015

8:00 PM


$7 Students / $12 Public

Student Union Board Arts, performances Student activities

Offering impossibly catchy hooks and melodies, unparalleled harmonies, blues-influenced instrumentation and a modern pop sensibility, Northern Faces has crafted an impressive standout sound that is all their own. The Albany, NY-based indie-rock outfit showcases their sonic prowess on their self-titled, debut full-length, released this past April on Equal Vision Records.

Thursday, 03 Sep 2015

Cyclone Club Luncheon

Sep 03, 2015

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center

$10 for catered lunch from Hy-Vee

Athletics Special events

Join the Ames and Story County Cyclone Club for the first Cyclone Club Luncheon of the year with guest speaker Paul Rhoads, Cyclone head football coach; and emcee John Walters, radio voice of the Cyclones.

New Faculty Luncheon with the VP for Research

Sep 03, 2015

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Research Meetings, receptions

New faculty are invited to join vice president for research Sarah Nusser and staff from the VPR office at a luncheon to learn more about research services at Iowa State. RSVP requested.

Meeting: Professional and Scientific Council

Sep 03, 2015

2:10 PM - 4:00 PM

Pioneer Room, Memorial Union


Groups, governance Meetings, receptions

The P&S Council is a representative body elected by, and responsible to, Professional and Scientific employees at Iowa State University. Meetings are open to the public.

Intertwine art exhibition: Introductory knitting workshop

Sep 03, 2015

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Design on Main, 203 Main St.


College of Design Meetings, receptions Training, development

This workshop is led by Ames fiber artist Kristin Roach. Learn how to knit for the first time or receive instructions on knitting squares for the exhibition.

Crochet Class

Sep 03, 2015

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $28, Public $38 (supplies included)

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Learn the three standard crochet stitches and how to incorporate them into project construction and finishing a market bag. Learn to read crochet patterns for future projects. Bring a size H hook to class. Yarn will be provided.

Youth Watercolor Class

Sep 03, 2015

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Reiman Gardens

$64 members. $80 general public. ISU students get 15% off member rate.

Reiman Gardens

Learn basic sketching and watercolor techniques to paint everything from plants, animals, and butterflies, to landscapes and garden scenes.

Cyclone Cinema: Pitch Perfect 2

Sep 03, 2015

7:00 PM

Carver Hall 101


Student Union Board Student activities

The Student Union Board presents Cyclone Cinema! Showings are FREE in Carver 101 at 7 and 10 p.m. every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Hope to see you there!

Wheel Pottery Class

Sep 03, 2015

7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $100, Public $110 (supplies included)

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Students will be guided through all aspects of forming bowls, mugs, vases and more on the pottery wheel. Learn handle-pulling, glazing and finishing techniques. Open to absolute beginners as well as those with experience who would like to improve their technique and abilities.

Live Music: Finish Ticket

Sep 03, 2015

8:00 PM


$8 Students / $12 Public

Student Union Board Arts, performances Student activities

San Francisco-based quintet Finish Ticket makes melodic music that straddles the line between indie rock and radio-ready pop.

Friday, 04 Sep 2015

Audit a course: Fall 2015

Sep 04, 2015

All day

Academic Affairs Academic calendar

Last day to elect to audit a full-semester course for fall. The instructor of the course must approve an audit.

Tuition and Fee Adjustment

Sep 04, 2015

All day

Academic Affairs Academic calendar

Last day to receive a tuition and fee adjustment for full-semester courses when dropping below full-time status. No refunds for full-semester courses after day 10 of the semester.

Public hearing: Regents' agenda

Sep 04, 2015

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Oak Room, Memorial Union

Groups, governance Meetings, receptions

At this public hearing, individuals have an opportunity to provide early input on agenda items for the state Board of Regents Sept. 9 meeting in Cedar Falls.

Retirement reception: Gary Weaklend

Sep 04, 2015

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

WOW Center, 1020 Ext. 4-H Youth Bldg.


University Meetings, receptions

Gary Weaklend, information technology, is retiring.