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What is featured?

Monday, 27 Feb 2017

Lecture: Seeds of a Sustainable Future

Feb 27, 2017

8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Live Green

Colin Khoury is a research scientist at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) headquartered in Cali, Colombia, and at the USDA National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado. Khoury studies diversity in the crops people grow and eat worldwide and the implications of change in this diversity on human health and environmental sustainability. University Symposium on Sustainability keynote...

Tuesday, 28 Feb 2017

Plant Breeding Seminar Series

Feb 28, 2017

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

3140 Agronomy Hall


Agronomy Department Lectures

Construction and potential applications of engineered minichromosomes in plants by Jim Birchler from the University of Missouri

Wednesday, 01 Mar 2017

Soil Science Seminar Series

Mar 01, 2017

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

3140 Agronomy Hall


Agronomy Department Lectures

Evapotranspiration partitioning in a desert vineyard by Dr. Deliana Kool, Iowa State University

Lecture: Eating Disorders Simplified

Mar 01, 2017

7:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

Eating Disorder and Body Image Awareness Week speaker Buck Runyan is executive director for Remuda Ranch at the Meadows eating disorders critical care units and in-patient, residential programs.

Thursday, 02 Mar 2017

Lecture: Using Exercise to Treat Depression

Mar 02, 2017

7:00 PM

Richard and Joan Stark Lecture Hall, 1148 Gerdin Business Building


Lecture Series Diversity Lectures Student activities

2016-17 Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair Lecture Series. James Blumenthal, a clinical psychologist at the Duke University Medical Center, will discuss the relationship of exercise and physical activity to mental health.

LAS Dean's Lecture: Robyn Lutz

Mar 02, 2017

8:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

"Programming Molecules in the Age of Nanotechnology," Robyn Lutz, ISU computer science.

Friday, 03 Mar 2017

Lecture: ISCORE Keynote Address

Mar 03, 2017

12:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Conferences Diversity Lectures Student activities

Lakota Harden (Minnecoujou/Yankton Lakota and HoChunk) is an orator, activist, community organizer, workshop facilitator and poet. The daughter of seven generations of Lakota leaders, she has dedicated her life to social justice.

Candidate Presentation: Landscape Architecture Chair Finalist Thomas Oslund

Mar 03, 2017

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Room 416 Design

College of Design Lectures

Thomas Oslund is a finalist for the position of chair of the ISU Department of Landscape Architecture. He currently is the principal and design director of Oslund and Associates, a professional design firm based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He will give a public presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.