Tuesday, 20 Feb 2018
Workshop: Assignments and Gradebook in Canvas
Assignments are a backbone of the course's Gradebook in Canvas. Participants will learn to create and manage Assignments and Assignment Groups as well as explore how the Gradebook is connected to the organization of Assignments. Participants will experience the power of SpeedGrader for efficient and effective grading.
Award-Winning Faculty Series: Implementing Project-Based Learning
"Implementing Project-Based Learning in Any Classroom: Lessons from Studio." Morrill Professor Thomas Leslie, Architecture, presents tips and tricks for the project-based learning his discipline has used for 150 years. Learn how to coach students synchronizing diverse skills and help them take responsibility for meeting learning milestones.
Workshop: Sponsor-Specific Proposal Development
In this session you will learn about the recent changes to the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), along with National Science Foundation (NSF) specific requirements for proposal development.
Wednesday, 21 Feb 2018
Workshop: Sponsor-Specific Proposal Development
In this session you will learn about the recent changes to the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), along with National Science Foundation (NSF) specific requirements for proposal development.
Workshop: Documenting Your Research Impact and Increasing Visibility
This session, for all faculty, is designed to provide an overview of resources to document your scholarly impact and provide ideas for increasing visibility of your scholarly outcomes. Presenters: Lorrie Pellack, associate professor, library; Hope Craft, Digital Repository coordinator; and Erin Thomas, engineering and physical sciences librarian.
Thursday, 22 Feb 2018
Workshop: The Pedagogy of Canvas Quizzes
Participants will learn how to use Quizzes in Canvas. The workshop will focus on practical ways to customize Quiz Settings as well as create and administer Quizzes with a variety of question types to accommodate specific learning situations. Quiz Moderation and Analytics will be also explored.
Online event: Equity-Oriented, Inclusive Teaching in STEM
In the last of three CIRTL events on women in STEM, we will define and characterize inclusive practices for STEM teaching. Attention will be given to discuss the affordances, as well as potential constraints of these practices.
Publishing, Copyright and You
"Authors' Rights & Open Access for Early Career Researchers." As you prepare your research publications, it is also important to plan for the rights you want to have over your articles after they are published. Learn how to protect your work. Preregistration is required. Register through Learn@ISU (keyword:LIB).
Friday, 23 Feb 2018
Workshop: The 'Public Classroom'
Seemingly every week, university faculty come under fire for statements or material presented in the classroom. Join University Counsel Michael Norton for a review of the current environment and its implications for freedom of speech and academic freedom.