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What is featured?

Monday, 26 Feb 2018

Workshop: Big Data for (Sm)all Farmers

Feb 26, 2018

8:00 AM - 6:45 PM

Scheman Building


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Conferences

The workshop is to inform farmers with small and medium sized operations about current and future big data research, resources and technologies, and to learn from these farmers about the resources and technologies that would be most useful to them.

Tuesday, 27 Feb 2018

Workshop: Big Data for (Sm)all Farmers

Feb 27, 2018

8:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Scheman Building


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Conferences

The workshop is to inform farmers with small and medium sized operations about current and future big data research, resources and technologies, and to learn from these farmers about the resources and technologies that would be most useful to them.

Wednesday, 28 Feb 2018

ISCORE Preconference

Feb 28, 2018

11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Memorial Union


Student Affairs Conferences

A professional development opportunity for all faculty, professional and merit staff. These sessions provide a structured environment to enhance your understanding and sensitivity to cultural differences. Many of the sessions will focus on providing tools to improve employee interactions and create inclusive workspaces.

Friday, 02 Mar 2018

Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity

Mar 02, 2018

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Memorial Union


Student Affairs Conferences

Featured speakers include Jose Antonio Rosa, ISU marketing and faculty fellow; and Susana Munoz, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. ISCORE is the university's local initiative designed to provide an ongoing platform of sharing and applying new knowledge through presentations and workshops. Registration (free) is requested.