Wednesday, 04 Apr 2018
NEH Regional Workshop on Digital Humanities
A regional gathering of digital humanists, with a presentation by Elizabeth Tran, senior program officer in the Office of Digital Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities.
Friday, 13 Apr 2018
First Amendment Workshop
"Talk is Cheap, Free Speech Isn't. Expert training for First Amendment Champions," Gene Policinski, Newseum Institute; Andrea Frantz, Buena Vista University and Society of Collegiate Journalists; Mark Witherspoon, Iowa State Daily; and Julie Roosa, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. Planned as part of the First Amendment Days celebration. Registration (free) required.
Monday, 16 Apr 2018
Conference: Geological Society of America
The GSA North-Central Section's 52nd annual meeting will discuss hot topics in geoscience; new research findings on glacier flow and agricultural water quality. Emerging contaminants in the environment will be presented and Iowa's unique geologic and hydrologic features will be explored.
Tuesday, 17 Apr 2018
Conference: Geological Society of America
The GSA North-Central Section's 52nd annual meeting will discuss hot topics in geoscience, new research findings on glacier flow and agricultural water quality. Emerging contaminants in the environment will be presented and Iowa's unique geologic and hydrologic features will be explored.
Friday, 20 Apr 2018
St. Louis Area Methods Meeting
SLAMM is a regional meeting highlighting data science applications of political science questions. Four scholars will discuss their work on campaigns, human rights, local government and networks in Congress. Preregistration (free) is required. Hosted by the political science and statistics departments.
Friday, 27 Apr 2018
Voorhees Supply Chain Management Conference
"Creative Destruction in Supply Chain," for professionals who deal with the planning, sourcing, making and delivering of products. This includes all businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups.
Anthropology Symposium
The anthropology symposium is an opportunity for students to share their projects and research with faculty and peers. Christina Gish Hill, lecturer in world languages and cultures, will present the keynote address. All are welcome to attend. Registration not required.