Tuesday, 04 Sep 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Course Design Basics
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the basics of course building in Canvas.
Wednesday, 05 Sep 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Assignments and Quizzes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore assignment and assessment options in Canvas.
Copyright in the Classroom: Guidelines for Instructors
Have you ever wondered what exactly "Fair Use" means? In this workshop, representatives from the University Library and University Counsel will use real-life scenarios to help you navigate topics such as Fair Use, the TEACH Act, campus resources for copyright support, and more! Let us know if you need accommodation. Preregistration required at Learn@ISU.
Thursday, 06 Sep 2018
Quality Matters: Improving Your Online Course
The "Improving Your Online Course" workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online courses. Participants use the QM Rubric to review their own online courses and develop a course improvement plan.
Quality Matters: Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) Follow Up
The Quality Matters: Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) follow-up session provides you with additional time to improve your course based on the information you learned in the IYOC workshop.
Friday, 07 Sep 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
Research workshop: IACUC and IBC Protocols Using the a-tune System
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Tuesday, 11 Sep 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Group Work and Collaboration
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore options for group work and collaboration in Canvas.
Wednesday, 12 Sep 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Rubrics and Outcomes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore rubrics and outcomes and how they work together in Canvas.
Research workshop: IRBManager End-user Training
Learn how to navigate the new electronic IRBManager system, what the submission process looks like, how to submit IRB protocols for review and how to access your IRB-approved materials. Graduate students, postdocs and research faculty would benefit most from attending, but all are welcome.
Research workshop: IACUC and IBC Protocols Using the a-tune System
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Thursday, 13 Sep 2018
Manage Your Canvas Course - Personalized Learning and Mastery Plans
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore how a personalized learning and mastery path can enhance your course in Canvas.
Getting Started with LaTeX
LaTeX is a powerful typesetting language often used for writing theses, dissertations, peer-reviewed journal articles, and scientific documents. Unlike a traditional word processor, files are written in a markup language and then run through LaTeX to apply the formatting. This allows authors to focus on their document's content, not its appearance. Let us know if you need accommodation. Preregistration required at Learn@ISU.
Workshop Series: The research-based flipped classroom - Team-Based Learning
"The research-based flipped classroom and team-based learning (TBL)," an increasingly-popular form of flipped-classroom where small-group learning that can be implemented effectively in small or large classes.
Friday, 14 Sep 2018
Office of the Vice President for Research New Faculty Orientation
New faculty will have an opportunity to meet and network with their peers and learn about the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and its role in supporting faculty research careers.
Seminar: ISU Online Learning Community (ISU-OLC)
The purpose of the ISU-OLC is to share campus best practices to improve online teaching and learning; see how others are using the University Learning Management System (LMS).
Monday, 17 Sep 2018
Workshop: Engagement Strategies for Every Classroom
Sara Marcketti, Director, CELT and Professor in Apparel, Events & Hospitality Management, will guide participants through engagement strategies applicable for every classroom.
Research workshop: IACUC and IBC Protocols Using the a-tune System
The Office for Responsible Research, Office of the Attending Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) are offering software training for researchers who submit IACUC or IBC protocols. Participants will learn how to navigate the new electronic protocol submission system, a-tune. Training topics will include creating and submitting a protocol, and, for animal users of LAR, how to order animals and manage animal records.
Build Your Canvas Course - Course Design Basics
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the basics of course building in Canvas.
Tuesday, 18 Sep 2018
Canceled: Research workshop: Responsible Conduct of Research Boot Camp for Faculty, Staff
This event has been canceled. Faculty, staff and postdocs who receive funding through NSF or certain NIH grants are invited to a two-day (1-5 p.m. each day) "boot camp" that will satisfy NIH and NSF requirements for training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. Light refreshments will be provided each day.
Wednesday, 19 Sep 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Assignments and Quizzes
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore assignment and assessment options in Canvas.
Campus Fire Safety Day
As part of Campus Fire Safety Month, Environmental Health and Safety is hosting its annual Fire Safety Day. Stop by to put out a simulated fire, learn fire safety tips, meet Ames fire fighters and receive a free T-shirt.
Canceled: Research workshop: Responsible Conduct of Research Boot Camp for Faculty, Staff
This event has been canceled. Faculty, staff and postdocs who receive funding through NSF or certain NIH grants are invited to a two-day (1-5 p.m. each day) "boot camp" that will satisfy NIH and NSF requirements for training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. Light refreshments will be provided each day.
Quality Matters Learning Community
The Quality Matters (QM) Learning Community is designed to help you improve your courses using the Quality Matters Standards. Members will have opportunities to hear about ways to meet the QM standards, as well as discussing best practices, experiences, and solutions to course design problems.
Thursday, 20 Sep 2018
Build Your Canvas Course - Grading and Student Data in Canvas
This two-hour interactive, hands-on workshop is open to all Iowa State University instructors and instructional designers to explore the Gradebook and discover student data available in a Canvas course.
Friday, 21 Sep 2018
Workshop: Effectively managing disruptive classroom behavior
When disruptive behavior takes place, a number of Iowa State University faculty members recommend addressing it immediately. Their advice: remain calm, assess the situation, listen to student concerns. Especially recommended: provide a clear, firm response that is consistent with responses you've given other students. The strategies and resources in this workshop will help you prepare for these moments before they occur.
Monday, 24 Sep 2018
Research workshop: Sponsored Funding Budgets 101
Learn how to identify budget-related items in a funding agency's request for proposal, and how to create a sound budget for your proposal. We'll discuss common mistakes made during budget development so you can avoid them. Most our time will be spent examining a real budget scenario so you'll feel confident using Iowa State tools. Finally, we'll answer questions about the comprehensive financial picture of your current proposal.
Tuesday, 25 Sep 2018
Data Management Planning: An Introduction
Ever wondered what makes a good data management plan? Have questions about data sharing & open data? Interested in learning how other researchers manage data? Want to know what resources are available to help you write a data management plan? Then this workshop is for YOU. Let us know if you need accommodation. Preregistration required at Learn@ISU.
Research Brown Bag Lunch: Internal Funding Opportunities
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) invites researchers to learn more about the OVPR internal funding opportunities. Bring your questions and a brown bag lunch for an informal discussion with the associate vice presidents for research. Program overviews will be provided and discussion will focus on purpose, eligibility and strategies for success.
Workshop: Undergraduate Research in Your Classroom
How can you excite your students with practical research? Hands-on experience using real research data, even in a lecture-style classroom, is an efficient way for undergraduates to understand the practical applications of what they are learning.