Monday, 03 Dec 2018
Lecture & book release: Amazing Iowa Women
Join us for a book release party! Katy Swalwell, an associate professor of education at Iowa State, is the author of the new illustrated children's book, "Amazing Iowa Women."
Tuesday, 04 Dec 2018
Lecture: Fashion, Liberation and the Fight for Freedom
Students in AESHM 499 will talk about their exhibit, "A Black Lives Matter: Fashion, Liberation and the Fight for Freedom," on display at the Ames Public Library Nov. 27-Dec. 11. The display explores the history of the Black Lives Matter movement and its relationship to politics, activism and fashion. A one-hour reception precedes the 7 p.m. lecture.
Friday, 07 Dec 2018
What Matters, the Size of the Fish or the Size of the Pond? Understanding the Positional Nature of Residential Satisfaction
In this presentation, Daniel Kuhlmann, a new assistant professor of community and regional planning, will examine how people determine their satisfaction with their home -- is it by comparing their unit to those of their neighbors, or do people assess their units primarily based on their own needs and the objective characteristics of their home? Part of the IDRO Friday Research Seminar Series.