Friday, 01 Mar 2019
ISCORE Keynote: Vernon Wall
Vernon Wall is a nationally known speaker in the areas of social justice and leadership styles and is one of the founders and facilitators of the Social Justice Training Institute.
Friday Research Seminar: The Art of Asking Questions
How do questions influence the thinking process in design? To what extent do (high-level) questions influence problem definition and shape idea generation? What type of question-asking behavior drives the creative thinking process? How does one learn to ask "good" questions? In this talk, Carlos Cardoso, associate professor of industrial design, will discuss the role of question-asking in designing as part of his research in design methodology.
Lecture: Reframing the National Conversation about Immigration
"Law and Story: Reframing the National Conversation about Immigration," Rev. Dr. David Vasquez-Levy, President of the Pacific School of Religion, and Tom Miller, Iowa State Attorney General, will discuss both immigration laws and the current immigration narrative among academic, legal and religious communities.