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Friday, 19 Apr 2019

Analogue Participatory Graphics with Undocumented Immigrants

Apr 19, 2019

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

130 Design


College of Design Lectures

Fernando Burga, assistant professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Minnesota, will show how graphic representation techniques can capture undocumented immigrants' experiences and inform the development of planning goals and objectives. Lecture co-sponsored by the sustainable environments graduate program and Department of Community and Regional Planning.

Seminar: Geological & Atmospheric Sciences

Apr 19, 2019

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

102 Science


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

Ocean Discovery Lecture Series - "Climate Change and ecosystem transformation: plant wax evidence from Indian Ocean Drilling" by Sarah Feakins, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA