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Friday, 05 Apr 2019

Friday Research Seminar: Canopy as an Architectural 'Parti'

Apr 05, 2019

12:10 PM - 1:00 PM

130 Design


College of Design Lectures

In her book "The Framing of Sacred Space: The Canopy and the Byzantine Church," Jelena Bogdanovic, associate professor of architecture, provides an innovative interpretation of the relationships between the canopy and the design of the Byzantine church. She will discuss the canopy as an architectural "parti" -- a guiding idea for design -- that generated unique experiences of being in space. Part of the IDRO Friday Research Seminar Series.

Lecture: Anecdotes in Applied Machine Learning

Apr 05, 2019

4:00 PM

Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall


Lecture Series Lectures

Brian McClendon, a former vice president at Google, will discuss how machine learning has become a bigger and more important factor in nearly every business and share examples of potential applications in the future. ISU Innovation Prize Weekend.

Speaker Tour: We Can End AIDS

Apr 05, 2019

4:00 PM

Pioneer Room


Lecture Series Lectures

The Student Global AIDS Campaign is on tour on campuses across the U.S. to bring the message that we can stop AIDS. Recent news of a second person cured of HIV has brought renewed attention to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Four speakers, from the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, the U.S. and South Africa, will talk about how HIV and AIDS have impacted their personal lives, and why people should support the prevention of HIV.