Monday, 24 Jun 2019
Ceramic Box Class
Learn to prepare clay for hand-building and use a mold to create a bowl form. Finishing will include creating decorative add-ons and texture. Bowls will be bisque fired for the second class where students will glaze their pieces for the final firing.
Tuesday, 25 Jun 2019
Happy Outdoor Painting Workshop
Create the kind of world you want to see in this oil painting class ala Bob Ross. Follow the lead of Levi Chytki using the wet-on-wet oil painting technique, and paint on an 11" x 17" canvas with basic tools - a couple brushes and a palette knife. Share paint with your neighbors as you create your version of Levi's painting while he works alongside you.
Wednesday, 26 Jun 2019
Concrete & Gold Jewelry Class
Sometimes unexpected combinations of materials work together beautifully. Take the industrial look of cement and the refinement of gold leaf and create fabulous jewelry in this two-part class. The first evening will be spent casting cement, and the next will be for sanding, finishing, and adding jewelry components. Leave class with 2 pairs of stud earrings and two pendants.
Friday, 28 Jun 2019
Paint Your Own Pottery: Two for One Studio Fees
Grab a friend!