Sunday, 13 Oct 2019
Artist Talk: Jennifer Steinkamp
Join artist Jennifer Steinkamp as she discusses her installations in the newly renovated Brunnier Art Museum and her artistic practice.
Performance: Climate Change Theatre Action
"Climate Change Theatre Action: Lighting the Way," a series of short plays written by international playwrights to support the UN Climate Change Conference. These stories bring science to life and encourage us to work toward a sustainable future together. ISU's CCTA focuses on sharing knowledge, discovering hope and creating community as the best ways to face growing environmental crises.
Collage of Choirs
All the choirs perform, Iowa State Singers, ISU Statesmen, Cantamus Women's Choir, Lyrica Women's Choir
Argentine Tango Lessons
Valerie Williams This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance. From 4-5pm, moves for beginners are introduced with different partners for practice. From 5-7pm, the floor is yours for dancing under the guidance of Valerie, and for working with different partners. An intermediate level figure will also be introduced during this time.