Tuesday, 03 Dec 2019
GDCB Seminar
"Transcriptional regulation of development and lipid metabolism," Jun-yuan Ji, Texas A&M University College of Medicine.
Lecture: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of the Rocky Flats
Dr. Kristen Iversen's lecture will discuss writing strategies about her childhood in the Rockies. Dr. Iversen will also host a craft talk at 2:10pm in Ross 212. As part of the Pearl Hogrefe Visiting Writers Series, she will talk about research, art, ethics, and aesthetics in creative non-fiction.
Wednesday, 04 Dec 2019
Lecture: The Quest to Know What it Means to be Human
"Once Upon a Peace Pilgrimage: The Quest to Know What it Means to be Human." Roy Tamashiro shares stories and life lessons from his global peace pilgrimage (2015-present). He found insights into healing and peace from Holocaust survivors, massacre witness-survivors in Vietnam and Korea, and "A-bomb legacy successors" who shared their memories and traumas.
Friday, 06 Dec 2019
Planetarium Show: Galaxies and the Universe
Are you curious about space? Do you wonder about what you can see in the night sky? If so, bring your questions and come to the ISU Planetarium and join us for an evening under the stars!