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What is featured?

Wednesday, 12 Feb 2020

Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair

Feb 12, 2020

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Hilton Coliseum


University Conferences Student activities

The career fair enables students to explore career opportunities, obtain employer information, and locate internships, co-ops and full-time positions. Employers have the opportunity to connect with promising candidates for job and internship openings as well as network with university personnel and other employers. Open to all majors and other job seekers.

People to People Career Fair

Feb 12, 2020

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Scheman Building


University Conferences Student activities

The career fair offers employers and students a professional environment to connect and discuss internships and full-time employment opportunities in human/social services; health/wellness; event management; government; and hospitality. There also will be an opportunity for students to meet with representatives from professional health and law schools.

Friday, 14 Feb 2020

Kickoff: 19th Amendment Centennial

Feb 14, 2020

11:30 AM - 6:30 PM

2229 Memorial Union


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Conferences

"Hard Won, Not Done," a year of events scheduled across the state of Iowa to celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage. Join us for a half-day commemoration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which will celebrate the diverse voices of the women's suffrage movement in Iowa and note other important landmarks in the American journey to universal adult suffrage. Although the vote was hard won, the work is not yet done.