Monday, 24 Feb 2020
CCE Seminar: Developing Successful Job Application Materials
"Compiling the CV/Resume." Learn valuable tips on how to create different application materials for your job packet. You'll be ready for the job market in no time. Seating is limited; register in advance.
Tuesday, 25 Feb 2020
CCE Seminar: Developing Successful Job Application Materials
"Enhancing your Networking Skills." Learn valuable tips on how to create different application materials for your job packet. You'll be ready for the job market in no time. Seating is limited; register in advance.
Wednesday, 26 Feb 2020
CCE Seminar: Developing Successful Job Application Materials
"Drafting your Diversity Statement." Learn valuable tips on how to create different application materials for your job packet. You'll be ready for the job market in no time. Seating is limited; register in advance.
Thursday, 27 Feb 2020
CCE Workshop: Writing the Literature Review
"Part 1: Conducting a lit review: A Citation Here, a Citation There ... Pretty Soon You'll Have a Lit Review." Searching for publications for a literature review is a frustrating experience for many grad students. Learn about search strategies, how to find and search subject databases, and how to keep up with literature in your field. You'll be introduced to citation chains and how they can streamline your search for relevant publications.