Monday, 30 Mar 2020
Canceled: Because I Said I Would
This event has been canceled due to the COVID-19 situation. Alex Shen is the founder of Because I Said I Would, an international social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. Sparked by a tragedy in his life, Alex created the Promise Card and since 2012 more than 9.81 million cards distributed to 153 countries.
Saturday, 04 Apr 2020
Canceled: Loving, Living and the Pursuit of Purpose: a real talk with Rheya
This is event has been canceled due to the COVID-19 situation. Rheya Spigner is an anchor on KCCI Channel 8 News. As the keynote speaker for the Transforming Gender and Society Conference, Ms. Spigner will discuss her own experiences as a broadcast journalist, in particular how she has used her role as a news anchor to focus on diverse and pressing topics that are reflective of society.