Monday, 03 Aug 2020
CELT Summer Course Design Institute (August 3-6, mornings)
The CELT Summer Course Design Institute (CDI) focuses on course planning, building a student-centered course in Canvas, active engagement strategies, learning assessment techniques, designing a learner-centered syllabus, and implementing accessibility. The Course Design Institute is for four days. Each day consists of a required engagement in a 60-minute synchronous hands-on workshop followed by an optional 30-minute guided discussion.
Webinar, Synchronous Communication Tools - An Overview and Best Practices
From Webex meetings to Webex Trainings to Zoom to MS teams, there are many communication tools that you can use to interact effectively and engage with students. This session walks you through the logistics of these technologies and best practices for engaging synchronously with students.
Online Course Essentials (ONCE) workshop using the ISU Course Template
The Online Course Essentials (ONCE) workshop is an interactive virtual event in which participants are introduced to a toolset consisting of the ISU course template in Canvas and a pedagogical process to help instructors plan for the online portion of their courses, regardless of whether the course meets face-to-face, virtually or some combination of the two.
Tuesday, 04 Aug 2020
Webinar, Choose your instructional tool adventure (Web conferencing: sharing content)
CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. Instructional support staff from across campus will facilitate each 30-minute byte. These 30-minutes builds on concepts covered in the Canvas Mini-Bytes training videos on the CELT instructional strategies pages.
Webinar, Best practices for faculty-to-student interactions in your course
Explore how-to initiate effective and meaningful faculty-to-student interactions while helping students engage in the construction of their learning. Brainstorm how to maintain and inspire student engagement for all learning environments (in-person, hybrid/blended, online).
Wednesday, 05 Aug 2020
Webinar, Effectively managing disruptive conduct in learning spaces
When disruptive conduct takes place, some Iowa State University instructors recommend addressing it immediately. Their advice: remain calm, assess the situation, listen to student concerns. Especially recommended: provide a clear, firm response that is consistent with what you've given other students.
Webinar, Engaging Students through Polls and Group Work
Join Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) staff Karen Bovenmyer and Gretchen Anderson (Program Coordinators) as they share strategies for dynamic engagement via synchronous class sessions. They will describe and model ways in which instructors can create active learning experiences using Top Hat, Webex, Zoom, and MS Teams.
Webinar, Find out how to enroll students, publish your Canvas course, submit grades, and more at ISU
Global course administration and ISU tools allow you to do all things related to course creation and student course enrollment. We will walk through everything from requesting a Canvas Course to combining course sections, Final Grade Submission, and provide tips for ease of use.
Thursday, 06 Aug 2020
Web talk, LabXchange: Integrating Personalized Online Learning with the New Normal
Harvard University's LabXchange is a free online platform for science education that lets educators remix high-quality content to support personalized learning in the context of their own online classes. Professor Rob Lue will discuss how remixing digital content can engage students, especially when combined with a new generation of virtual labs focused on the scientific process.
Webinar, Preparing for Multiple Teaching Scenarios with Top Hat Pro
This event is a follow-up to our Teaching with Top Hat Pro event and will be focused around providing tips and tricks for teaching synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid courses with Top Hat Pro.
Webinar, Choose your instructional tool adventure (Using video for content, presentations, & performances)
CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. Instructional support staff from across campus will facilitate each 30-minute byte. These 30-minutes builds on concepts covered in the Canvas Mini-Bytes training videos on the CELT instructional strategies pages.
Webinar, Top 10 tips for creating an accessible course
Creating accessible websites and digital materials in your educational environment reduces barriers and ensures that all students encounter your materials can understand and interact with them. Websites and digital materials that are not designed with accessibility in mind exclude a significant population of potential users from participating in an ever increasing internet dependent world.
Friday, 07 Aug 2020
Web talk, Building inclusive college assessments: short- and long-term strategies
Even with the best of intentions, summative assessments are frequently perceived to be onerous, disconnected from real life, and treacherous to understand. When students are successfully included in the assessment, they respond with greater effort and find well-aligned exams to be worthwhile and motivating.
Tuesday, 11 Aug 2020
Online workshop, CELT Condensed Course Design Clinic
The CELT Condensed Course Design Clinic is a faster-paced version of the CELT Summer Course Design Institute. It focuses on course planning, building a student-centered course in Canvas, active engagement strategies, learning assessment techniques, designing a learner-centered syllabus, and implementing accessibility. The Condensed Course Design Clinic will meet once for approximately four hours total.
Webinar, Explore the Benefits of Mindfulness in Online Learning
Learning online can offer different challenges and especially so during the time of a global pandemic. Using mindfulness practices can mitigate heightened anxiety and stress in your learning environment. Join Karen Couves (CELT) and Carrie Giese (Student Wellness) as they explore the student perspective of mindfulness in the online classroom.
Webinar, Choose your instructional tool adventure (Web conferencing: keeping it all organized)
CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. Instructional support staff from across campus will facilitate each 30-minute byte. These 30-minutes builds on concepts covered in the Canvas Mini-Bytes training videos on the CELT instructional strategies pages.
Wednesday, 12 Aug 2020
Webinar, Synchronous Communication Tools - An Overview and Best Practices
From Webex meetings to Webex Trainings to Zoom to MS teams, there are many communication tools that you can use to interact effectively and engage with students. This session walks you through the logistics of these technologies and best practices for engaging synchronously with students.
Online Course Essentials (ONCE) workshop using the ISU Course Template
The Online Course Essentials (ONCE) workshop is an interactive virtual event in which participants are introduced to a toolset consisting of the ISU course template in Canvas and a pedagogical process to help instructors plan for the online portion of their courses, regardless of whether the course meets face-to-face, virtually or some combination of the two.
Thursday, 13 Aug 2020
Webinar, Strategies for quizzes and exams in Canvas
Wondering how you're going to quiz your students online?
Webinar, Choose your instructional tool adventure (Effective virtual student/office hours)
CELT's Choose Your Instructional Tool Adventure focuses on various instructional strategies found on the CELT website and demonstrates practical ways to incorporate these tools in a Canvas course. Instructional support staff from across campus will facilitate each 30-minute byte. These 30-minutes builds on concepts covered in the Canvas Mini-Bytes training videos on the CELT instructional strategies pages.
Friday, 14 Aug 2020
Seminar, ISU Online Learning Community (ISU-OLC)
The purpose of the ISU-OLC is to share campus best practices to improve online teaching and learning; see how others are using ISU's Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas to create innovative learning experiences, inform the campus about existing & new web-based instructional technologies, participate in new technology testing and evaluation; as well as, to leverage LMS expertise, experience and training resources across campus.
Web talk, Creating Community in Online Classrooms
After we transitioned to remote learning this spring, we heard repeatedly from students that they felt isolated and that they missed being part of an educational community. This fall, as many of our courses will be offered entirely online, how can we create a sense of community among students, and between students and instructors?
Tuesday, 18 Aug 2020
Conference: CELT Teaching Symposium
A half-day program encompassing best teaching practices and student support resources available at Iowa State. New faculty, staff with a teaching role and graduate teaching assistants will learn from Iowa State's educators about how to prepare for a successful first semester of teaching, and explore CELT's services, resources, and professional development opportunities.
Webinar, Synchronous Communication Tools - An Overview and Best Practices
From Webex meetings to Webex Trainings to Zoom to MS teams, there are many communication tools that you can use to interact effectively and engage with students. This session walks you through the logistics of these technologies and best practices for engaging synchronously with students.
Thursday, 20 Aug 2020
Webinar, Let's talk Canvas Gradebook
This 50-minute online webinar will offer practical tips for using Canvas Gradebook for efficient grading. Upon completion, you will be able to calculate grades, use gradebook filtering and sorting functions and optimize the Speegrader for your teaching needs. The webinar will incorporate a 20-minute Q and A block, in order to address participants' questions specific to using Canvas Gradebook.
Friday, 21 Aug 2020
Web talk, Using Flipgrid to Meaningfully Engage Remote Students
Flipgrid is an engagement platform that reaches beyond the Discussion Board, allowing students and educators to meaningfully engage with one another through video.
Wednesday, 26 Aug 2020
Webinar, Engaging Students through Polls and Group Work
Join Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) staff Karen Bovenmyer and Gretchen Anderson (Program Coordinators) as they share strategies for dynamic engagement via synchronous class sessions. They will describe and model ways in which instructors can create active learning experiences using Top Hat, Webex, Zoom, and MS Teams.
Webinar, Synchronous Communication Tools - An Overview and Best Practices
From Webex meetings to Webex Trainings to Zoom to MS teams, there are many communication tools that you can use to interact effectively and engage with students. This session walks you through the logistics of these technologies and best practices for engaging synchronously with students.
Thursday, 27 Aug 2020
Web talk, Race REALLY matters. Discussion.
There is a great pandemic raging in our country. The roots of the pandemic have been lurking for a long time, but many of us were not affected by it until a few months ago. The pandemic strikes down innocent persons, often unsuspecting, and its widespread unpredictability makes it unsafe for persons to be in our classrooms, in our laboratories, and on our campuses. For many victims, their last thought is "I can't breathe."
Friday, 28 Aug 2020
Web talk, Closeness at a Distance: How to Build Trust in Virtual Teams
Group work and collaboration can profoundly increase students' motivation and achievement. However, instructors have only started to work out how to effectively manage teams in face-to-face settings. Now they wonder how to get trust and enthusiasm to develop in teams that only meet virtually.