Wednesday, 04 Nov 2020
Campus Conversation: The Presidential Election, Moving Forward Together
Barb Wheelock from Story County Democrats and Judy Trumpy from Story County Republicans will discuss their experience with Braver Angels, an organization working on depolarizing America after the election. The conversation includes Q&A. Register to participate.
Thursday, 05 Nov 2020
LAS Dean's Lecture Series: Novotny Lawrence
"White Mansions, Black Bodies: Jordan Peele's 'Get Out' and the New Age Slave Plantation," ISU associate professor of communications Novotny Lawrence. This lecture will discuss Jordan Peele's horror thriller "Get Out," demonstrating ways the director employs traditional filmmaking storytelling tropes to examine contemporary racial politics. Peele uses the cinema as a tool for social activism. A live Q&A will follow the lecture.
Thursday, 12 Nov 2020
Transportation Planning and Equity (online lecture)
Gloria J. Jeff, AICP, director of the Minnesota Department of Transportation's Metro District Livability Initiative, will discuss the current state of transportation planning and its challenges for the future, including issues of equity, community restoration and preservation, and planning with a view from the community. Sponsored by the Department of Community and Regional Planning.