Wednesday, 05 Aug 2020
Open house: Art for Rent
The Memorial Union's art lending collection includes about 275 framed posters, prints and paintings. Selections may be viewed during the open house and are available for rent for a half year or full year. Open house continues Aug. 6.
Thursday, 06 Aug 2020
Open house: Art for Rent
The Memorial Union's art lending collection includes about 275 framed posters, prints and paintings. Selections may be viewed during the open house and are available for rent for a half year or full year.
Thursday, 27 Aug 2020
Virtual concert and chat: Lennon Stella
Indie pop artist and actress Lennon Stella will perform a free 'virtual' concert and chat with Iowa State University students. The event is free, but students must register online with an ISU email address to receive a link to the virtual event the night of the show.