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Thursday, 22 Apr 2021

Webinar, Let's Fix-It!: Fledgling students and forgotten feedback (QM Success Stories)

Apr 22, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Online only - via Quality Matters

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Training, development

Have you ever found yourself writing the same comment on every assignment submitted by the same student throughout the semester? It's time to talk about it! Join Jacklyn Pierce from Lake-Sumter State College for a discussion on creating effective feedback and getting students to use it.

PI Transfers and Revised GoldSheets

Apr 22, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM



Research Training, development

If you have a PI leaving before the next school year, this training is for you! OSPA, OIPTT, and SPA will present on tips and tricks to make your life as a research administrator as easy as possible during this chaotic time. We'll also discuss the revised GoldSheet process for those awards that will stay with the university.