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Wednesday, 06 Oct 2021

Woodshop Orientation

Oct 06, 2021

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $20/Public $30

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Learn the fundamentals of woodworking equipment while creating a tool carrier. Leave class with knowledge of proper machinery use, and, most importantly, woodshop safety. The orientation is required in order to use the woodshop on your own.

Glass Beads Class

Oct 06, 2021

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $75/Public $85 (all supplies included)

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Learn to create colorful beads by heating and shaping glass with a torch - yes, we get to work with fire! Build your skills with step-by-step instruction and see how the quality of your beads evolves. Use these beauties in your next jewelry project, or display them as tiny works of art. Meets Wednesdays from 6-8:30pm for 4 weeks with instructor Rhonda Scott.

Grandma Mojo's Improv Comedy

Oct 06, 2021

8:00 PM

Maintenance Shop, Memorial Union


Student Union Board Arts, performances Student activities

ISU's premier student improv troupe presents unscripted fun at its finest every other Wednesday in the M-Shop.