Friday, 01 Oct 2021
Seminar: Bridging the Gap between Algorithm and Architecture: A Machine learning-based Approach
Will discuss how machine learning techniques can be used to solve complex hardware design problems.
Seminar: A neural network approach for high-dimensional real-time optimal control
Join this seminar to hear about how this research group is approaching training neural networks to synthesize real-time controls.
Monday, 04 Oct 2021
Seminar: Growing the Next Football Field for Jack Trice Stadium
This seminar will cover the unique background and steps taken to grow the next playing surface for Jack Trice Stadium from corn field to football field. A unique partnership between the ISU Department of Horticulture and ISU Athletic Department has allowed future turfgrass managers to learn the steps to establish and grow sod for a new football field.
Tuesday, 05 Oct 2021
Conversations about Carbon
Dr. Bernardo del Campo, president, Advanced Renewable Technology International (ARTi), is the featured guest in the ISU Bioeconomy Institute series. Registration (free) is encouraged.
Seminar: Constructing the hematopoietic stem cell specification niche
Hear about how this research is further defining key downstream molecular mechanisms essential to niche formation including maturation of the extracellular matrix and specific signal transduction pathways essential for the earliest hematopoietic stem cells to be specified.
Seminar: Problem Factories: Almost endless problem generation
Hear from Dr. Dan Ashlock from the University of Guelph discuss how math professors can dispel the idea that math is awful.
Wednesday, 06 Oct 2021
Does this project need IRB oversight?
In this session, you will learn how to determine whether IRB oversight is required for your project. We'll also examine the various levels of IRB review (Exempt, Expedited, Full Committee).
Monday, 11 Oct 2021
Seminar: Machine Learning for Big Spatial Data and Applications
Hear about how this research is promoting machine learning for specific applications.
Seminar: Innovation in Course Design: Creating 360-degree Virtual Laboratory Environments
Join this seminar to hear from Allison Kayser, Media Production Specialist with the Brenton Center in CALS about ways to create a virtual lab option.
Friday, 15 Oct 2021
Seminar: The Role of miRNAs in Glia During Synaptogenesis
Join this seminar to hear Dr. Elizabeth McNeill, Assistant Professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University, discuss her research around determining which specific micro-RNA-based post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are used in the assembly and modulation of synaptic connections to shape neural circuits.
Monday, 18 Oct 2021
Seminar: Computer and Information Science and Engineering Overview
Curious about where future NSF funding opportunities lie in regards to CISE?
Wednesday, 20 Oct 2021
Seminar: Distinguishing viruses responsible for influenza-like illness
Join this in-person Mathematical Biology Seminar to hear Julie Spencer, Postdoctoral from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, discuss her research using modeling to determine respiratory pathogens different epidemiological parameters and outbreak properties.
Seminar: Trace theorems for non-differentiable functions
Join this Probability, Analysis, and Data Science (PADS) seminar to hear Dr. Mikil Foss, Professor in Mathematics at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, discuss research into a theorem that provides a well-defined boundary-value function that exists in a fractional Sobolev space and has the Lebesgue point property yet requires no differentiability within the domain and allows very irregular boundaries.
Friday, 22 Oct 2021
Seminar: From Iowa State to California State University: Early Career Research in Exercise Psychology at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution
Join this seminar to hear from Dr. Zachary Zenko, Assistant Professor from California State University - Bakersfield and he discusses adapting his research in exercise physiology at three different universities.
Seminar: Understanding the mechanisms underlying cytokinin-dependent root responses
Join this Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology Promising Scientist Research Series to hear Dr. Atiako Kwame Acheampong, Postdoctoral fellow in the Kiever lab at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, discuss the intricate interplay between cellular systems such as phytohormone, cytokinin, and protein degradation mechanisms of autophagy to activate organ-specific responses to ever-changing environmental stimuli or physiological cues.
Monday, 25 Oct 2021
Seminar: Evaluating cool-season turf grasses as potential perennial groundcovers for maize production
Join this in-person webinar to hear Allen Chen, Ph. D. Student at Iowa State University, discuss his dissertation research investigating the potential us of perennial cool-season turf grasses as groundcover for maize production.
Tuesday, 26 Oct 2021
Workshop: Write Winning Grant Proposals
Write Winning Grant Proposals is presented by John Roberts from Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops LLC and organized by the Office of the Vice President for Research for faculty and staff. This workshop will emphasize idea development and writing strategies that are of proven value in preparing a grant application. Registration is free; space is limited.
Wednesday, 27 Oct 2021
Informed Consent and the IRB
We'll help you learn about the informed consent process, including participant recruitment and the informed consent document. Discussion will center around what's required of you as the researcher, and best practices for designing and administering consent.
Seminar: Competition dynamics of phytoplankton species in eutrophic water columns
Joins this Mathematical Biology Seminar to hear Dr. Adrian Lam, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Ohio State University, discuss research into phytoplankton populations in competition for light. Dr. Lam will discuss two different aspects of this research.
Seminar: How Does Tempering Affect the Local and Global Properties of Fractional Brownian Motion?
Join this Probability, Analysis and Data Science (PADS) seminar to hear Dr. Farzad Sabzikar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University, discuss the effects of tempering the power-law kernel of the moving average representation of a fractional Brownian motion (fBm) on some local and global properties of a Gaussian stochastic process.
Thursday, 28 Oct 2021
Seminar: Uniform Turán density
Join this Discrete Math Seminar to hear Samuel Mohr, postdoc at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University, discuss the concept of uniform Turán densities, present a way to obtain lower bounds using color schemes, and give a glimpse of the proof for determining a uniform Turán density.
Webinar: Nanovaccine Institute series
"Organoid as a New Platform to Develop Oral Vaccines and Nanomedicines," Qun Wang, Iowa State chemical and biological engineering.
Friday, 29 Oct 2021
Seminar: Polarimetric Radar Sensors for Detection of Power Lines in Strong Clutter Background
High voltage powerlines and their supporting towers are considered a major safety hazard for helicopters and other low-flying aircrafts. Discussion on how to prevent such accidents.
Seminar: A computational modeling framework to assess the effects of carbon fiber bracing on ankle joint function and contact mechanics
Join this webinar to hear from Dr. Donald Anderson, Professor of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation from the University of Iowa Health Care, discuss research into addressing post-traumatic osteoarthritis mobility-related impairment.