Sunday, 08 Jan 2023
Wrestling vs. Arizona State
Iowa State vs. Arizona State. Match times and dates are subject to change.
Argentine Tango Drop-In Lessons
This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance. Classes meet every Sunday and drop-ins are welcome. Purchase a dance punch card and attend as often as your schedule allows. Open to ages 18+.
Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023
Professional and Scientific Council seminar series
"Getting a Head Start," Bill Thorne, senior director at TIAA, will provide a step-by-step overview of retirement plans at Iowa State.
Men's Basketball vs. Texas Tech
Iowa State men's basketball vs. Texas Tech. Game dates and times are subject to change.
Wednesday, 11 Jan 2023
Women's Basketball vs. Kansas State
Iowa State women's basketball vs. Kansas State. Game dates and times are subject to change.