Thursday, 07 Sep 2023
The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
I.W. Arthur Memorial Lecture Economist Tyler Cowen will discuss the benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence (AI). Cowen believes that those who are worried about AI destroying humankind need to make a more convincing case for their concerns. Cowen thinks that those worried about AI are too willing to limit freedoms and empower government to reduce the uncertain risk.
Monday, 11 Sep 2023
Ted Bundy and the Unsolved Murder Epidemic
Dr. Matt DeLisi revisits the life and crimes of Ted Bundy in his new book, Ted Bundy and the Unsolved Murder Epidemic, which seeks to reconcile the contradictions and controversies about Bundy's life that underscore the broader U.S. unsolved murder problem, estimated between 250,000 to 350,000 open, unresolved, or cold cases. Matt DeLisi is Professor and Coordinator of Criminal Justice Studies and Faculty Affiliate of the Center for the...
Tuesday, 12 Sep 2023
Women, Power, and Rape Culture: The Politics and Policy of Underrepresentation
Bonnie Stabile is Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs and Associate Professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, where she also founded and directs the Gender and Policy (GAP) Center. Her book, Women, Power and Rape Culture: The Politics and Policy of Underrepresentation, was published by Praeger in September 2022.
Thursday, 14 Sep 2023
Study Abroad Fair
A one-stop shop to learn about adventures abroad -- interning, studying and volunteering opportunities, ranging from one week to one year. Representatives from the United States Postal Service will be on hand to process US passport applications.
Poetry and Conflict Resolution
Poet and theologian, Padraig O Tuama's work centers around themes of language, power, conflict and religion. Working fluently on the page and with groups of people, Padraig is a skilled speaker, teacher and group worker. His work has won acclaim in circles of poetry, politics, religion, psychotherapy and conflict analysis. In this lecture, he will explore conflict resolution through the lens of contemporary poetry.
Friday, 15 Sep 2023
Why They Come
This talk will explore why immigrants are crossing our southern border. Contrary to popular belief, it is not in search of a better life or to take advantage of U.S. generosity. This immigration crisis is a product of foreign colonialist policies which began in the 1840s. Dr. Miguel De La Torre serves as professor of Social Ethics and Latinx Studies at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.
Tuesday, 19 Sep 2023
Virtual presentation: Exploring Fairness and Validity in Promotion and Tenure
Christiane Spitzmueller, University of California, Merced; and Juan Madera, University of Houston, will share insights from a comprehensive study of more than 10,000 external review letters across 2,000+ promotion cases at 10 universities.
Olivia's Legacy: Raising Awareness of Alcohol Culture on Campuses and How to Stay Safe
In January 2021, Iowa State student Olivia Chutich died of hypothermia and acute alcohol intoxication in her sorority's parking lot. Hear from her mother, Dr. Penny Wheeler, recently retired chief executive officer of Allina Health, as she shares the story of her daughter's spirit, the impact of her loss, and considerations for alcohol education and increasing safety in situations where alcohol is involved.
Wednesday, 20 Sep 2023
Turkish Student Association: Food Sale
Sample authentic Turkish cuisine, including baklava, borek, kisir, Turkish tea, and more. Only cash will be accepted. Proceeds support Iowa State's Turkish Student Association.
Thursday, 21 Sep 2023
It's Not Done: Women's Constitutional Equality
2023 Constitution Day Speaker Dr. Karen M. Kedrowski is Director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics and Professor of Political Science at Iowa State University. The Catt Center conducts research on women and politics, with a focus on Iowa; and promotes civic engagement. Dr. Kedrowski teaches courses in American Politics and conducts research on women in American politics and civic engagement.
Monday, 25 Sep 2023
Story County Mental Health Expo
This free event kicks off with a local mental health provider fair, where representatives will be available to share information about on-campus and community mental health services, plus free food and great prizes! Then Kai Roberts will present "Escape: Overcoming Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts."
Tuesday, 26 Sep 2023
When a Dream Dies: Iowa's Experience of the Farm Crisis of the 1980s
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg is Distinguished Professor of History at ISU, and a Fellow of the Agricultural History Society. Her lecture, based on her book of the same title, will explore the trauma the people of Iowa faced in the 1980s when two-thirds of its farmers were in distress, and half of those were in imminent danger of foreclosure.
Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023
The Center: Fantasy Game Night
Bring board games, card games, or just yourself. Play all the games that let your imagination run wild. Join us for a fun game night with your community at the Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success.
Thursday, 28 Sep 2023
Rumba: Tales of Sound & Sentiment in the Afro-Latinx Diaspora
Berta Jottar is an independent scholar and media maker with a PhD from the Department of Performance Studies at New York University, TISCH School of the Arts. She specializes in the research, recording, and editing of the music and dance practices of the Afro-Latinx Diaspora in the East Coast, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Her scholarly work has been published in several academic journals; and her videos have been featured at international...