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Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024

Seminar: Deciphering the brain lipidome: From fats to functions

Nov 19, 2024

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

1414 Molecular Biology


Research Lectures

Join this Genetics, Development and Cell Biology seminar to hear Dr. John Vaughen, Sandler Fellow and assistant professor of anatomy at University of California, San Francisco, discuss research that combines genetics, lipidomics, microscopy, behavior and biophysical modeling to prove the developing brain lipidome. This research aims to identify the enzymes and signaling cascades that generate appropriate brain lipidomes and more!

Visiting Artist Talk: Nick Phan

Nov 19, 2024

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

0011 Design (Printmaking Studio)

College of Design Lectures

Nick Phan, a Vietnamese-American printmaker born in Kansas City Missouri, will host an artist talk from 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, in Design 0011 (Printmaking Studio). Phan's artwork has been nationally and internationally exhibited. He primarily works with relief prints and book arts, and often finds ways to combine the two into his work. Phan uses his artwork as a means to enhance his life and to connect to those around him. His pieces often po