Wednesday, 04 Dec 2024
Broader Impacts Identity
This workshop explores the notion of a Broader Impacts (BI) identity that will represent the long-term impact and legacy researchers efforts will have on society. It focuses on the idea of intertwining research identity and BI identity, to chart out an overall Impact Identity, and takes participants through a series of interactive, hands-on, individual and small-group activities to create in impact inventory and start forging an impact identity.
Thursday, 05 Dec 2024
Workshop: Preparing Multi-Institutional Proposals
Complex proposals often involve collaborators! This session will discuss how to identify the proper role for collaborators, how to include them in the budget, and tips on communication and organization in order to get the proper documentation for thorough proposal processing. We'll highlight tips in Streamlyne for including subrecipients, alternative performance sites, or external key persons.