Fall reception: National Arts and Humanities Month

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Date/Time:Monday, 22 Oct 2012 from 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
Location:Campanile Room, Memorial Union
Contact:Sandra Norvell
Categories:Meetings, receptions
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Hosted by ISU's Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities. The program begins at 6:30 p.m. and features brief faculty presentations on current research. Refreshments will be served.

The program, hosted by center director James Andrews, will include:
- Beate Schmittmann, Liberal Arts and Sciences dean
- Kevin Kane, Institute for Design Research and Outreach
- William Beavis, Plant Sciences Institute
- Mary Swander, English
- Dennis Chamberlin, Greenlee School Of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Jean Goodwin, English
- Michael Dahlstrom, Greenlee School Of Journalism and Mass Communication
- David Ringholz, industrial design